The Mad Scientist
By Jack B
I gasped as I opened my eyes. I don’t know why, I didn’t have a bad dream, or anything like that. I looked around. I wasn’t in my bed. It look like I was in an abandoned hospital, but without the hospital bit. I had a heart beat sensor to the right of me, and also a blood bag hanging over me. Then, I saw some wires, copper wires. I looked around to see where they were leading. It looked like it leaded under the bed, but why? I took off the sheet that were on me, it was quite warm in the room. I looked down, and then, I saw it.
There was a huge glowing cube sticking out of my chest, that’s why I gasped. “AHHHH!” The scream was so loud I could hear a massive echo, I wasn’t in a abandoned hospital, I was in a crazy science lab, a science lab for a crazy, mad scientist.
“Why Hello, you’re awake.” A mysterious voice said, “Who are you! And what do you want!” I replied. “I already have what I want... you.” I was very creeped out at this point, not by the scientist, my the huge glowing thingy in my chest. “Why do you want me! Also why did you put this huge glowing this in my chest!” I couldn’t feel my stomach, or my face, or my entire body. “I want , and have you because. You are going to be my secret weapon” Ok I was getting creeped out , by the thing in my chest, and ‘the crazy dude in front of me. “Secret weapon for what?”. He took the copper wires out from under my robotic chest. “For a war, a war that will end in me taking over the world, sorry, correction, YOU taking over the world”.
Mad Scientist Perspective
“After I power you down, you will forget everything you ever had in that useless brain, and will become a mindless robot! *Cackle*”, I was sure that he was freaking out. Good, in his last moments, he will struggle. It was make his death even more dramatic, that’s what I like. “After I flick this switch, Henri Mattar will be dead. Then, my evil robot will be born, MUHAHAHA!” , I flicked the switch and he stopped struggling.
He closed his eyes and the computer said: ‘Mind Reset’ . A couple seconds later, now it, opened it’s eyes again. Only this time they were glowing red, bright red. “Operating Systems online, Turbo reaction chamber charged. Ready for combat”, It said. Good, it’s working, I thought. Now all I have to do is cover up the part on his chest, and test him again my combat training robots.
After I did cover up it’s chest, it was time to test it against my combat ‘Dummies’. I told it to enter the room, then I released the combat, ‘Dummies’ and straight away they went to attack my creation. Instantly Creation “It’s here” (That's what I named it) smashed off one of the robot’s head making it fall to the ground. Then “It’s here” reached into the core of the robot’s chest that was decapitated, and pulled out it’s mecanic spine. “Perfect”, I said to myself. They continued fighting, and just what I expected, It’s here came out on top. Now it’s time to conquer the world!